A State Park Beacon

If you’ve ever laid eyes on Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park, you know what an amazing state park this is. Thousands of others know it, too, as more than 100,000 people visit Pigeon Point each year.

But Pigeon Point has been in need of some TLC for quite some time. More than 100 years of severe coastal weather has taken a toll. In December 2001, a piece of Pigeon Point Lighthouse’s upper course iron belt broke, crashing 100 feet to the ground. For safety reasons, the Lighthouse Tower and Oil/Watch House are currently off-limits to visitors.

In an effort to turn things around for this beacon, CSPF has taken Pigeon Point on as a capital project, and is currently working to raise the significant public and private funding needed to complete the entire restoration. In an exciting first step, CSPF, in partnership with California State Parks, will begin the first phase of this historic project tomorrow! This will include removal and restoration of the Fresnel lens, interim stabilization of the upper tower and displaying the lens in the Fog Signal Building.

Workers are going to begin taking the First-order Fresnel Lens apart piece by piece. To remove it from the building, they will send pieces out the window on a zip line!

Project Day One Update from the Field

As we work to bring Pigeon Point back to all its splendor and glory, please consider donating so that the Pigeon Point Lighthouse can shine for another 100 years.

2 thoughts on “A State Park Beacon

  1. That tower is the beautiful light house and i think that it is the perfect place for pigeons but since it is a tourist place so it could result in bad impression on tourist

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